Program Strategies
Environmental Component
Today Matters instructors on each college campus will partner with school leadership to support the enrichment of student health. Nutrition educators, chefs, and fitness trainers will work with students during this free, focused one-semester program.
Curriculum Component
Three education modules will make up the Today Matters program.
Optimal Eating: eight 40-minute nutrition education lessons will cover recommended eating guidelines, and overcoming barriers to healthy food choices.
Simple Cooking: five 40-minute cooking demonstrations with samples and a take-home recipe.
Stronger Me: twelve 50-minute sessions -- part classroom, part training -- cover personal activity choice plus resistance training for women.
Training Component
Before the beginning of each academic semester, Today Matters instructors will be trained on the delivery of the following curriculum modules, using active learning strategies (Contento, 2016, p. 505) and supplied with course materials. Evaluations team will be done at baseline, mid-semester, and program conclusion.
Social Support Component
Weekly small group discussions will be scheduled in the residence hall and student center and be facilitated by trained RAs. An online forum on the Today Matters website will offer a virtual option for community building.